Friday, October 30, 2009

Major Security Breach at Furcadia

On October 3rd, the Furcadia online Furry game was hacked once again by an online terrorist using the username "Uildiar." Users logged in that morning to find a complete list of user information, including personal emails and contacts arriving through the online news channel.

It is recommended that all users change their passwords immediately.

Although this cyber-terrorist has admitted publicly to past attacks on Furcadia, whether or not "Uildiar" has direct connections to the larger anti-furry movement is unclear.

More information is available at:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Secret of NIMH - On the big screen again?

It seems, at long last, our favorite Don Bluth characters may soon make a new splash on the big screen. Apparently, director Neil Burger is currently negotiating with Paramount to write a script that will bring Mrs. Brisby and her children back into the spotlight.

It is currently unknown whether or not Paramount intends to have Neil Burger direct the project. The form the project will take is also up for speculation. Hopefully this new NIMH project will live up to fans expectations.